Biobizz Light·Mix
Biobizz Light·Mix
National Greenhouse Bolton
Unit 6, Lark Street
Bolton BL1 2UA
United Kingdom
If you want more control, Light·Mix provides the ideal foundation for encouraging vigorous growth in seedlings, young plants and cuttings – right from the beginning. It gets the vital micro activity going as the water works with the soil, producing organic catalysts that rapidly develop root structures. Light·Mix® has also been specially blended to ensure optimal drainage throughout – an essential property if you use automatic irrigation systems.
The pH and EC values
Biobizz® products only contain natural organic elements rather than mineral salts such as magnesium or sulfates that you might find in synthetic fertilizers. This gives Light·Mix® a medium Electrical Conductivity (EC) value. And while its organic elements are impossible to measure, they do have a self-regulating system, which helps maintain the pH values at the correct level.